Parker Pear

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  • Regular price $30.00

(Pyrus 'Parker')

Two pear varieties must be planted near each other for cross-pollination. For example, Patten, Summercrisp, or Juicy Jewel. Parker Pear is fast-growing but may live for decades – though they may take a few years to flower. Insect pollinators visit the blossoms, and the fruit appeals to wildlife. It’s best to pick the fruit while still firm and store indoors. Parker can be enjoyed eaten fresh or cooked.

Height and width at maturity: 20’ x 20’

Sun or shade: full sun

Soil conditions: wide range

Moisture tolerance: adaptable

Seasonal Interest: showy, pale white flowers; edible fruit; leaves turn brown in the fall.

Climate resilience (ability to withstand changing temperatures and precipitation patterns associated with climate change): moderate

Ash replacement? No, smaller statured.

For more information, visit University of MN Extension

Photo credits: UFOR Nursery