Princeton Elm

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  • Regular price $30.00

(Ulmus americana 'Princeton')    

Help restore the elm tradition by planting this Dutch Elm Disease-resistant tree in your yard. The Princeton elm has an ornamental globed shaped version of the American elm and has vibrant gold fall color. Do your part to improve water quality and reduce energy needs by planting this fast grower on the west or east side of your home. Remember to prune early and often to ensure proper structure for this fast grower.                           

Height and width at maturity: 60’ x 40’

Sun or shade: full sun 

Soil conditions: wide range

Moisture tolerance: adaptable

Fall color: Vibrant yellow/gold

Climate resilience (ability to withstand changing temperatures and precipitation patterns associated with climate change): high

Ash replacement? Yes!

For more information, visit Bachmans' Plant Library.

Photo credits: NetPS PlantFinder